Data Engineering and Data Warehouse Expert

Let me reduce the complexity of the field of data engineering for you. My expertise will help you understand and succeed in upcoming data engineering projects. I offer development services in the whole end-to-end data lifecycle and I also offer highly specialized services for performance and infrastructure optimization. Most data projects lack of certain structure and therefore cannot profit from standardization. I offer elegant and successful solutions by thinking and designing several steps ahead.

Track your Marketing, eCommerce and Finance Data and generate the Insights you need.


Data Stack Development

Lost in translation for your upcoming data project? How to know what to use? Right now there is an ocean of data software available on the market! I have seen and set up several data infrastructures. I know the DOs and DONTs of modern data infrastructures. Also I can explain to you the different Pros and Cons of using certain software (i.e. Databases, Data Integration Tools, Cloud Services, On-premise).

Reporting Services

Creating dashboards and reports with the following products: SSRS, Power BI, Google Looker and Tableau. While understanding the way of building dashboards I am also able to solve problems on the backend side.

Infrastructure Analysis

As an experienced and skilled engineer I know the struggle of bottlenecks and endless amount of data sources (Databases, APIs, Filessystems and whatnot). I will analyse and visually draw the big picture of your data infrastructure. With this analysis you’ll be able to define bottlenecks and plan the upcoming next steps.

Advanced Statistics

As a statistician I have deep knowledge about statistical frameworks. Combine this with my data engineering skills and you will get the best results. I offer different kinds of hypothesis testing, regression analysis, time series analysis and spatial analysis. I offer courses for the following programming languages: R and Python.

Data Engineering Lead

Lacking of experience in your data team? I’m going to support your team with deep understandings, best practices and technical skills. Your team will profit from my experiences from multiple projects and different platforms.

Analytics Engineering

Stream your data from different platforms and create meaningful dashboards and KPIs. For example automate your eCommerce data from different platforms like Amazon or Ebay. Get hands on your marketing data, compare costs and derive insights like conversion rates and such.

Data Warehousing

I’m guiding your company in the field of Data Modeling: What are the Pros and Cons of using i.e. Star Schema versus Data Vault 2.0. Also I’m proficient in building up data warehouses from scratch on diverse database platforms (i.e. Redshift, MS SQL Server, Snowflake, Google BigQuery) and I have a lot of experience in maintaining and improving running data warehouse systems (i.e. add new pipelines, find data inconsistencies, fixing errors).

Data and Software Migration

I have a lot of experience in the field of data and software migration. For example I can help you switching from one database to another or migrate your data and pipelines into the cloud (for example MS SQL Server to Snowflake or Azure Database to Snowflake or MySQL to Amazon Redshift). Also I’m proficient in switching between Data Integration tools SSIS, DBT, Azure Data Factory or Airflow.

Database Optimization

Struggling with long running reports or queries? I’m offering query optimization and other performance enhancing techniques for severe databases (MS SQL Server, Redshift, Snowflake, Google BigQuery). Also I help you migrate your data from slow RDS to more performant platforms like Snowflake, Amazon Redshift or Databricks.

Employee Training

New database? New integration tool? I support your team to get fast on track. I offer courses for several concepts (Datawarehousing, Data Stack Development) or programming languages likes SQL, R, Python or C#. Also if you are implementing tools like DBT (data build tool), Azure Data Factory or MS Integration Services.

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