Tech Lead

As a Tech Lead, I provide exceptional services to guide and empower engineering and analytics teams to successful data projects. I possess a deep understanding of the DOs and DONTs of data engineering and analysis, enabling me to provide effective leadership and direction to your team.

With a strong technical background, I am well-versed in the latest tools, technologies, and best practices in the field of data management. I stay up-to-date with industry trends and advancements, ensuring that your team operates at the forefront of data innovation.

As a Tech Lead, I foster a collaborative and supportive environment that encourages knowledge sharing and growth. I provide mentorship and guidance to your data engineers and analysts, empowering them to reach their full potential and deliver high-quality results.

Strategic Guidance

I provide strategic direction and planning to align your data initiatives with your business goals, ensuring maximum impact and value.

Mentorship and Coaching

I offer mentorship and coaching to your team members, helping them develop their skills and excel in their roles.

Collaboration and Communication

I facilitate collaboration and communication between your data team and other stakeholders, ensuring alignment and understanding.

Technical Leadership

I possess the expertise to lead and manage your data engineering and analytics team, optimizing their productivity and fostering innovation.

Project Management

I oversee data projects from start to finish, ensuring timely delivery, efficient resource allocation, and effective risk management.

Contact me

With my leadership, your data team will benefit from streamlined workflows, efficient project management and from a supportive and empathetic enabler. I combine a get things done mentality while always keeping an eye on small but crucial mechanics to keep the workflow smooth and structured.

What clients say

Nicolay knows the ins and outs of the modern data engineering stack. His expertise would help any organisation looking to build scalable and reliable data pipelines.

— Ishaan Varshney,
Head of Engineering @ SellerX

Nicolay is eager to learn and develop on a professional level. It was great working with him.

— Benjamin Kettner,
CTO @ ML!PA Consulting GmbH

I was working with Nico back at University as his supervisor and ever since followed his path into IT and Data Engineering… an ambitious learner and self-driven man, very reliable and good to hang out with! Recommended!

— Angelika Schmid,
Lead for Data & AI @ Accenture

Herr Königsmark hat unser Unternehmen bei der Erstellung eines kundenspezifischen Datenreports unterstützt. Dabei war er stets leistungsbereit und engagiert, hat gut Vorschläge eingebracht und hervorragende Ergebnisse geliefert. Die Kommunikation verlief immer rasch und freundlich mit allen Projektteilnehmern. Nach erfolgreichem Projektabschluss danken wir für die gute Zusammenarbeit und wünschen Ihm weiterhin alles Gute.

— Holger Teichmann, Wiesheu GmbH

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